4 Amazing Benefits to Start your Own Blog amazing benefits of having a blog

4 Amazing Benefits to Start your Own Blog

As much as a blog can turn into a real business. Financial reasons are rarely what motivated successful bloggers at the beginning.

Having a blog and keeping it alive require so much time and energy, that money itself could not be their only fuel. Otherwise, like many people who started a blog, they would have just quit early.

So, what motivated them? 

They understood that real benefits and positive changes could happen when you start your own blog.

With their personal blogs, they became experts in their field. They would interact with people that share similar interests and have fruitful conversations with them. 

They became a better version of themselves and they noticed real benefits of having a blog and continued the journey.

When I started, I was eager to understand what those benefits were. With time, I discovered the amazing ones that blogging brought me. And that’s why I didn’t quit and as of today, I am still blogging.

So, what are those benefits?

N°1 Creating something which is totally yours

“Creativity is the greatest expression of liberty.” 

This quote is not from me. But I like it, so I put it here. You are reading those sentences and I am the only one who is in control of what would be the next one.

I am the only one who can choose what will be the next word here. If I want to write something nonsense right after I can: “MANGO SHAKE” – First words that came to my mind. Do not ask why.

I am free to write whatever I want and when I want it.

 As well as you’ll be free to write whatever you want on your own blog! Of course, except if it is inappropriate, please don’t be a bad blogger.

Anyway, having your own blog is a way to share your ideas to the world. And if your words reach the right people. They will interact with you and that’s the best thing you can experience. 

Everything that you are going to post or create belongs to you and that’s what beautiful about blogging.

blogging ideas and benefits

N°2 Finding a way to be useful

Obviously, if you are writing nonsense words like I did. No one will read your blog posts. Except a potential fan group who advocates nonsense articles, OK I am going too far…

Blogging is about content marketing: a strategic approach that allows you to provide relevant and valuable information to your audience. Which is why you’ll have to create specific and informative articles.

If your content is nicely structured, and well done. Meaning, it answers the problem that a reader was trying to solve in the first place.

And the more you’ll be useful. If you are just doing your auto-promotion, (except if you’re a celebrity), don’t wonder why your blog isn’t working.

Besides, you might have a great expertise on a topic that many want to learn about.

How often I was thanking people who wrote the right steps on a blog’s article because I was stuck on a specific problem: the kind that only someone who went through it or knew about the topic could solve.

Like when you start living in another country for example: there is a lot of administrative stuff to consider but you have no idea how.Then you search on Google and thanks god, someone wrote about it!

Or when you want to travel somewhere but you don’t really know where to go that it is worth to see. And then, a travel blogger, who has done this trip before, answers those questions: thanks again!

You have no idea how useful you can be if you decide to share your expertise.

The more your blog is growing, the more your audience will be. They will follow you because they need your advice and you will be impacting their lives for the best. The benefits of your blog are for you and for them.

As a result, you’ll get one of the best feelings you could ever have: being useful to others.

N°3 Boosting your career or your own business

I recently gave a talk at an event organized by the French Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines.


The specific question I had to answer was: how does your online presence can help your professional career?

The competencies you’re acquiring when you are blogging are very interesting to recruiters seeking for talents. 

Let’s say, you have the same diploma as other candidates for a particular job. But compared to others, you started blogging about e-commerce. And the company is looking at recruiting an e-commerce assistant manager.

Who will the recruiters be choosing? Candidates having the same diploma as you but mostly spending their time on Netflix during weekends. Or people like you who use their free time to build their own blog. 

It’s easy to know that you have more chances than anyone else to get an interview and even get the job.

Because the recruiter knows that you had to use business skills to start and grow your blogs. That you are familiar with the problems they are facing every day: their e-commerce activity.

That you have skills in related areas: digital marketing, analytics and advertising if you are promoting your blog. And that you even developed great writing skills. Or even design ones, if you are producing artworks or infographics.

Skills that a company would like to get as well.

Something else to consider, Bloggers are entrepreneurs. They start things from scratch and they are willing to take risks.

Like any business, at the beginning, the recognition is very low. Great aspiring bloggers do not care about what people think. They stick to what they believe and who they are. And no matter what, they do not quit and solve problems.

Your blogging skills will then definitely boost your career and even your online activity if you have one.

When I wrote this blog post, I just got hired as the Country Manager of a French International company, specialized in offline digital marketing, to take care of the Philippines market. 

During the interview, the recruiters asked me a lot of questions about my blogging activity. And it was somehow what made them think that I had the qualities to accomplish the objectives they had in mind.

I later knew from my boss, the Asia-Pacific Director, that he received 100+ applicants within 3 weeks when he posted the job offer. And that he thought I was too young to handle the job (I was the youngest applicant). But my personal and business skills really gave me an edge and got me recruited.

Benefits of having a blog: it is a great way to improve your personal branding.

blog benefits career

N°4 Improving yourself constantly

I consider blogging as a great investment of your time.

Instead of watching Netflix or playing video games countless hours because of boredom. You can use your time in a more useful way.

And I can relate to that easily. There was a time where I really play video games a lot. I could have just reduced it, but I am sometimes extreme. So, I stopped it totally. And I decided to invest my time in developing myself.

I started focusing on building something useful.

With blogging, I was able to develop myself constantly. I learned skills that are applicable in today’s world. As I said, it goes well with your career as you learn new business competencies.

Blogging really influenced my life in a positive way. I got better in English, digital marketing, or writing. I saw real benefits to start a blog. Then, I learned more about entrepreneurs and businesses as it was a topic I was researching about.

My public speaking skills increased thanks to events I was invited at. And because I was developing those new skills I was able to grasp new opportunities.

Again, if you always do the same thing, you’ll get the same thing.

I really believe that you should start your own blog for your own benefits and for the others. And even if you do not become the most influential blog, you’ll grow up with it.

If you want to set up your own professional blog, I’ve created a guide that you can download for free: HERE

One Reply to “4 Amazing Benefits to Start your Own Blog”

  1. When you blog about something you are passionate about, it opens the door to connecting with those around the world who speak your language and have the same passions.

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